we would like to have more control over the way an export/subscription is handled.
E.g. when setting up a date/time column to display only the date, in the subsequent download/subscription of the excel file it still shows the time.
We used to have almost everything in SQL questions and then it does work, but I prefered to stay with UI editor.
I did see that setting this up for CSV has a formatted option. Would love that xlsx exports can also be sent in exact same way as it is visualized. (This also includes URL's, or other adjustments done).
I have read several topics and issues in github, but it is unclear for me what the exact state is of this request.
I might have found a solution, testing it right now.
So you can edit the way you visualize in a question e.g. hide the time. But if you then export to xlsx it will use the default value.
I tested with creating a model, and while the UI isn't always consistent, the xlsx test did stick to the model formatting. Testing further, keeping you updated, in case someone else encounters this in the future.
Soo, final conclusion, it does use formatting that is set up global, but doesn't respect. model or question formatting.
It is being referenced in this ticket (which is already closed), but last comment specifically mentioned the timestamp, and that is the issue I'm running into.