Filter: Showing results in Dashboard like

Hi all.
Tried to search a posting regarding the following behavior.
E.g. I have Items in a column A:
A 123
A 456
A 3456
A 45654
B 12354
C 1245
C 4545
L 3213

Does there exist a filter of type category where I can input a like condition:
Meaning When I put in the filter an:
Filter: A
This should be the outcome:
A 123
A 456
A 3456
A 45654
When I enter: C
This should be the outcome:
C 1245
C 4545

I saw the following issue but I am not sure if this would solve the problem as I didn’t understand it correctly maybe:

I read also the with native query and its filters it should work, Do I really have to put the questions into native SQL Querry or is there also another possibility?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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@lst, Not sure if you’re on the right track with the GitHub reference cited. Maybe what you’re looking at is an SQL LIKE %something% condition. If that’s the case then you’d put A, B, C, etc. in a filterable field… Search on terms like: filter cascade linked dependent… both in this forum and GitHub to see if this is indeed what you’re shooting at. And if it is “upvote” threads across the issue in GitHub and “like” the post threads on this forum as this is one of the ways the Metabase team gauges what feature requests are important to users. Metabase does not support this feature yet but judging from user interest it’s hopefully going to come out soon.

As to the second part of your question are you looking at SQL WHERE statements containing syntax that looks like this: {{filter variable}} ? Or is it a LIKE %something% type thing you’re looking to do? If you are using the gui (front end) to ask what in Metabase terminology is a “Question” then I think it does all that for you behind the scenes and you can expose the SQL underneath if you would like to see how it ticks and learn. But you don’t have to use SQL directly at all really.

If, however, you are looking for greater control and functionality then yes the SQL route is the way to go. Like a fair number of users I suspect, I very rarely use Metabase to ask a “Question” or apply the gui’s many other features like X-Rays, Pulses, and whatnot as my interest is strictly embedding custom SQL results so as to leverage some advanced features of a joined database. So perhaps a more experienced user of the Metabase “Question” mechanism can shed some light for your particular case.