Unable to save permissions changes for saved questions

Saving permissions on a saved question is returning an error. I have no idea why but I can’t seem to save any permissions changes for saved questions. See log below.

I am however able to save permissions changes for


Apr 19 21:22:45 ERROR metabase.middleware.log :: PUT /api/permissions/graph 500 955 µs (0 DB calls) Jetty threads: 8/50 (3 busy, 4 idle, 0 queued) (54 total active threads)
[{:revision 6,
{1 {1 {:native :none, :schemas :none}, 2 {:native :none, :schemas :none}},
2 {1 {:native :write, :schemas :all}, 2 {:native :write, :schemas :all}},
4 {1 {:native :none, :schemas :none}, 2 {:native :write, :schemas :all}},
33 {1 {:native :none, :schemas :none}, 2 {:native :write, :schemas :all}},
34 {1 {:native :none, :schemas :none}, 2 {:native :none, :schemas :none}, -1337 {:native nil, :schemas {“Marketing” :all}}}}}],
:error [(named {:groups {34 {(not (“Integer greater than zero” -1337)) invalid-key}}} new-graph)],
:message “Input to update-graph! does not match schema: \n\n\t [(named {:groups {34 {(not (“Integer greater than zero” -1337)) invalid-key}}} new-graph)] \n\n”,
:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
("–> models.permissions$fn__26197$update_graph_BANG___26206.invoke(permissions.clj:600)"

Hi @rbalsickrecurly
Which version?
Are you talking about trying to modify permissions under Settings > Admin > Permissions > anything to do with Saved Questions? If yes, then you cannot make changes to that, since it’s a system controlled “database”.

I think those other issues get at the confusion. If you can’t change them then they shouldn’t be show in the admin panel as there is no point.

Completely agree with you - go and upvote issues by clicking :+1: on the first post.