BigQuery error using SQL Variables: "missing dataset while no default dataset is set in the request"


My query:

select * from engineers where {{id}}

Metabase: v0.34.3
Similar issue: No default dataset is set in the request

My dataset is in the 'US' location in BigQuery so it seems to be a different problem than the issue above from another poster.

WARN middleware.process-userland-query :: Query failure {:status :failed,
 :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
 :error "Table name \"engineers\" missing dataset while no default dataset is set in the request.",
 {:type "native",
  {:query "select * from engineers where {{id}}", :template-tags {:id {:id "8d8d1522-ed97-543c-42e7-d5a93a3bb17b", :name "id", :display_name "Id", :type "number", :required true, :default "3"}}},
  :parameters [{:type "category", :target ["variable" ["template-tag" "id"]], :value "3"}],
  :async? true,
  :middleware {:add-default-userland-constraints? true, :userland-query? true},
  {:executed-by 1,
   :context :ad-hoc,
   :card-id nil,
   :nested? false,
   :query-hash [-119, 1, 40, -70, 112, -40, 31, -50, 122, -65, -39, 122, -119, 103, 33, -127, -18, 89, -62, 115, 93, 26, -69, 14, -37, -72, 118, 116, -112, -29, -114, -98]},
  :constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000}},
 {"code" 400,
  "errors" [{"domain" "global", "message" "Table name \"engineers\" missing dataset while no default dataset is set in the request.", "reason" "invalid"}],
  "message" "Table name \"engineers\" missing dataset while no default dataset is set in the request.",
  "status" "INVALID_ARGUMENT"}}

Hi @troyharvey
Make sure you’re including the dataset name with the table, and enclosing them with ` as noted in the documentation: