How can I discover which questions a specific table is used in?


I have a table which is used in a number of questions. I wish to remove a column from this table in the underlying database.

How can I get a complete list of all questions that use this table?

Is there a way to do it using the built in Metabase analytics or can it still only be done using a direct connection to the Metabase DB as suggested in Search questions using a specific column

Thanks in advance
Nigel Ainscoe

Metabase version 1.49.22, upgrading to 1.5 in the next week.

if those questions are SQL questions, then you need to go to the application database and check inside theq queries (with a contains filter)

if those questions are GUI based, you can do that with something like GitHub - paoliniluis/metagraph: Insert Metabase entities into Neo4j to analyze dependencies

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