How to add new env variables?

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to add new env variables to the opensource project, but I can't get them to work.
I tried adding them into the webpack.config.js file
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({
WEBPACK_BUNDLE: "development",

or even into docker-compose.yalm file after the existing env variables,
but for some reason I can't get them to be passed onto the components I need to use them.

Am I missing something?

Many thanks!

hi, what are you trying to do? build metabase or run metabase?

I'm building metabase with some new features that I need, and it's env variable dependant so I want to set them and make sure they are secure on the code.

if the feature is env variable dependant then check how we pass env vars on the backend rather than the frontend. The env vars in the backend are like:
mb-application-db-max-connection-pool-size which is Environment variables

I'm currently working on creating a new frontend variable in Metabase. The backend implementation works without any issues, but I'm running into problems when trying to use this variable on the frontend. Despite the backend setup being solid, the variable doesn't seem to function as expected on the frontend side. Has anyone else encountered this issue or have any insights on what might be going wrong?

Adding the thread here as well Issues with creating and using new frontend environment variables - #9 by Jordi