MongoDB query current date timestamp

This is regarding running a query for mongodb on metabase where we need the current timestamp for filtering our data.
But it seems like the following doesn't work:
new Date().getTime()

Current version of metabase - v0.41.5

Query for ref:
"$match": {
"$expr" : {
$gt: [
"timestamp", {
$subtract: [ new Date().getTime(), { $multiply: [1, 24, 60, 60, 1000 ] } ]

timestamp - field in the mongodb document
I want to filter the data occurring in the last 24 hours.
Please help to resolve this issue or any thread which we can follow to get the required result.

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Hi @prateek
You can do something like this to get previous 1 day:

    "$match": {
      "$expr": {
        "$gte": [
              "$subtract": [ISODate(), { $multiply: [ 1, 24, 60, 60, 1000 ] }]

ISODate() returns date object.
e.g. ISODate("2022-05-06T05:50:35.187Z").

So subtract doesn't work which in return gives the same ISODate for $gte operator.
Maybe we will be needing something at epoch level so that we may able to subtract the product of milliseconds from the same.

Hi flamber,

Below command is giving error on version v0.43.1

Can you guide what to do in this case? Same query is working on NoSQLBooster.

Invalid JSON input. Position: 105. Character: '.'.

{ "$match": {
"$lte": [
"$myTimeStamp", new Date().getTime() - 864000000
{ $sort: { myTimeStamp : -1 } }

If we try to cover new Date().getTime() - 864000000 within quotes, then it becomes string and result is not retrieved.